June 7

Evidently I am having trouble keeping up with this blog. Honestly, my heart just isn’t into it right now. I think back when I first started all of this I was excited, the plant-based thing was new, etc. Sadly, that excitement is gone. I have been doing this for going on 4 years, run some races, then our family doubled and things got crazy. It has been a struggle to maintain any of my old habits during that time. I have trained for several races and for whatever reasons (health, races being cancelled) those haven’t panned out. Either way, this blog has taken a back seat to life. I am still training for this triathlon, and I will run it. For now, though, I will not be doing the daily blogs. I hope to update periodically, and I sure hope this isn’t the end of this blog, but for now I just don’t have it in me. Stay tuned for more to come . . .

About super Stevo

Regular ol' social worker living the dream.

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